Frequently Asked Questions

Our Mission

Our Mission

Hilltop Ranch & Cattle exists to contribute to the agricultural industry for sustainability & the next generation
Mission: Providing quality meats & products for generations
Quality Beef, Quality Life – Generation to Generation



How do I get my order?

We hope to have shipping available by summer 2025! And a beef & pork ranch box subscription option. Currently, we schedule local porch deliveries during the work week (daytime or evening) or schedule on ranch pick up Wednesdays between 9-4. 

What are your Hilltop retail barn store hours?

Our barn store hours are Wednesdays 9-4 by scheduling a pick up time.

About our meats:

What type of beef & pork do you raise?

Our cattle are an angus cross which means they are part angus but part other breeds. We carefully select the best bulls with the best genetics so that our beef is a consistent product! Our pigs are pure heritage Berkshire. They come from a local farmer/breeder & are the best stock and produce the best flavored pork.

Does your meat have antibiotics, hormones or steroids?

All our beef & pork are raised antibiotic, hormones & steroid free. When we have a sick animal they are treated to humanely care for the animal. Those animals are separated from the herd and not processed for our direct to consumer business.

Is your beef grass-finished or grain-finished?

We have both! All our cattle graze on our grass pastures their whole lives. At 90 days before processing we separate the grass-finished and grain-finished cattle. The grass-finished are "finished" before processing on a grass only diet. Our grain-finished cattle are "finished" on grass & grains the last 90 days before processing. 

What type of grain do you feed your grain-finished cattle?

We feed only the best quality grains to our cattle. We feed a mixture of wheat & mung bean which provides a highly nutritious diet to our cattle full of protein. This ensures a delicious marble flavored beef with the highest quality of taste & tenderness.

What do you feed your Berkshire pigs?

All our pigs have a grain based diet as they forge on the pasture. Year round the grass does not contain enough protein to help them grow.

 All our beef is dry-aged. What is dry aging?

This is the process the butcher uses to give beef it's full flavor & tenderness. The beef goes through a process of aging in a dry open air environment for approximately 21 days. By exposing the meat to air, moisture is pulled out and the natural enzymes in the beef break the muscles down slowly over time, making it more tender. You will taste the difference in Hilltop meat.

Are all of your animals born on the ranch?

Our cattle are born & raised on our ranch under our care their whole lives. When we breed our cattle our heifers are retained for breeding and we process the steers when they reach the right weight. Our Berkshire pigs are born on a nearby farm and when weaned come to live with us. They are raised on our pasture their whole lives.

Do you process your own meat?

No. We have carefully selected & partnered with a family owned & operated processing facility. It is USDA inspected and vacuum seals all our meats for freshness.

Didn't see an answer to your question? Email us below and we will get back with you!