Hilltop Ranch & Cattle Blog

Easy Beef Bone Broth

Easy Beef Bone Broth

Beef bone broth is a collagen-rich liquid full of nutrients and vitamins that are believed to be great for your gut health, skin, & joints. It is made from simmering...

Easy Beef Bone Broth

Beef bone broth is a collagen-rich liquid full of nutrients and vitamins that are believed to be great for your gut health, skin, & joints. It is made from simmering...

Round Steak Fajita

Round Steak Fajita

You won't be disappointed with this fajita recipe! You've probably heard of round steak before. It is also commonly known as cube steak, minute steak, & country fried steak. This...

Round Steak Fajita

You won't be disappointed with this fajita recipe! You've probably heard of round steak before. It is also commonly known as cube steak, minute steak, & country fried steak. This...

Our Top 3 Favorite Summer Desserts

Our Top 3 Favorite Summer Desserts

Here at Hilltop we LOVE a good dessert. After evening chores & grilling a delicious dry-aged steak or hamburger in the summer time there is nothing better than a tasty...

Our Top 3 Favorite Summer Desserts

Here at Hilltop we LOVE a good dessert. After evening chores & grilling a delicious dry-aged steak or hamburger in the summer time there is nothing better than a tasty...

Our Top 5 Favorite Hilltop Cuts

Our Top 5 Favorite Hilltop Cuts

Here at Hilltop we love beef! And we wanted to share our favorite cuts with you. Ground Beef - Ground beef is such a great versatile cut. Here at the...

Our Top 5 Favorite Hilltop Cuts

Here at Hilltop we love beef! And we wanted to share our favorite cuts with you. Ground Beef - Ground beef is such a great versatile cut. Here at the...

An Opportunity To Give Back

An Opportunity To Give Back

According to feedingamerica.org, there are 1 in 7 people facing hunger in the state of Oklahoma. But did you know that 1 in 5 people are children? Given the statistics...

An Opportunity To Give Back

According to feedingamerica.org, there are 1 in 7 people facing hunger in the state of Oklahoma. But did you know that 1 in 5 people are children? Given the statistics...

Clover & Dandelions

Clover & Dandelions

Why do we let clover & dandelions grow in the yard? We don't spray for weeds in our yard for several reasons. First of all many times weeds are called...

Clover & Dandelions

Why do we let clover & dandelions grow in the yard? We don't spray for weeds in our yard for several reasons. First of all many times weeds are called...