BEING A RANCH FAMILY is a lot of fun, but a lot of hard work too. Living on a ranch with animals to care for means getting up early and taking care of all those animals. Like the old saying goes, “you don’t eat until the animals have eaten”. And it means juggling activities in the evening to feed and care for the animals at the end of the day as well. It means breaking ice so our animals can have water in the freezing cold temperatures of the winter. It also means keeping pens clean and water clean all year round. There are a lot of things we’ve given up in order to live on the ranch. But we love it! We’ve made the sacrifices because we have always wanted to raise our kids on the farm. We want them to experience the joy of a job well done after hard work. We want them to experience God’ creation, living on the land, and caring for the gifts He’s given us. We believe spending time in God’s Word, the Bible, and spending time with His creation, draws us closer to Him. Sometimes living the life God gives us means choosing not the easy way, but a way that will form and mold us to look more like Him. Living on a ranch is a lot of hard work. But we love it! It is our crazy, fun, wonderful and demanding life all at once. “so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God.” Colossians 1:10
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